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Wednesday Wisdom 2

Wednesday Wisdom 2

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Show your appreciation and tip Hannah live

Welcome to Burns Night.  A Scottish National Holiday devoted to drinking, eating, music, poetry and fun.  It begins with Whisky and climaxes with stabbing a Haggis


There are a lot of games and prizes this evening and they are all listed below

Pre Show Top Tipper.

Any tip received (even for other shows) between 21st January and 12am 24th January bst will be added to your pre show tip.  The highest pre show tipper will have the Address to the Haggis and Stabbing of the Haggis dedicated to them. (this is not a made up Hannah thing, it really is a Burns Night thing)

* Every £10/$10 tip during the show will result in the boy drinking a shot (in Scottish a 'Dram') of Whiskey

* Every £20/$20 tip during the show will result in Hannah drinking a dram of whiskey.

* Every tip however big or small will earn the tipper a virtual dram of Whiskey.

Top Supporter Prize

The the Top supporter of the night will receive a video recording of Hannah reciting a Rabbie Burns Poem and an MP3 recording of her play 'Old Lang Syn'

There will be a seat raffle for this show (so remember your seat number).  The winner will recieve a personal thank you video from Hannah

See you soon

Love Hannah xx

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  7. Please connect to a different Wi-Fi network. If you don't have access to a different network, you can create a Wi-Fi hotspot with your mobile phone to troubleshoot live site issues. 

Finally, if you are having any problems accessing the shows, please contact us on and please be aware that problems can only be fixed prior to shows, not during them.

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